From an experiment object, run an experiment by creating an XML file of the experiment (save_to_gama) and by calling gama (call_gama) and appends the results to the object experiment inputted in the column output (one by simulation).

run_experiment(exp, hpc = 1, save = FALSE, path = NULL,
  display = FALSE, append = TRUE)



an object of class experiment.


number of threads used by GAMA to run the experiment.


save the outputs to disk or not, default = FALSE.


directory to save the outputs, default = NULL. If save = TRUE and path is not specified, current working directory is used to save the outputs.


output images are saved or not, default = FALSE.


append outputs to experiment, default = TRUE.


We advice the user to validate their model in Gama Platform before using rgamar.

When the argument save is equal to TRUE, a folder with the name of the experiment of the object exp is created. The folder contains two folder: output containing the result in XML and input containing the model file associated in GAML and the XML associated to the object `exp` inputted in the function.

If the argument display is equal to TRUE, the argument save is automaticaly set to TRUE, a folder snapshot is add into the folder output, and contained the display output from GAMA.

If the object exp contains no obs_rates, the object exp is returned without calling gama. In this case, the column output is returned with NA.


#load experiment gaml_file <- system.file("models", "sir.gaml", package = "gamar") exp1 <- load_experiment("sir", gaml_file)
#> Loading experiment "sir" from file "sir.gaml"...
#> Periods of observation ("obsrates") are converted into integers.
#> Final time step ("tmax") is converted into integer.
#> Seed is converted into numeric.
#> Parameters' types are cast according to model definition
# run experiment out <- run_experiment(exp1, hpc = 2)
#> Running experiment plan...
# for a more complexe example exp1 <- repl(exp1, 2) exp1$r_R <- 2L:3L exp1$tmax <- 2L output <- run_experiment(exp1, hpc = 2)
#> Running experiment plan...
#> Experiment with 2 simulations of 5 parameters and 3 observed variables #> experiment name: sir #> input gaml file: /Users/mac/Desktop/gamar/inst/models/sir.gaml #> model parameters: p_S0, p_I0, p_R0, p_beta, p_gamma #> observed variables: r_S, r_I, r_R #> Experiment overview: #> p_S0 p_I0 p_R0 p_beta p_gamma r_S r_I r_R tmax seed output #> 1 999 1 0 1.5 0.15 1 1 2 2 1 <data.frame[2,4]> #> 2 999 1 0 1.5 0.15 1 1 3 2 1 <data.frame[2,4]>
# to save the experiment input and output (by default in the working directory) output <- run_experiment(exp1, hpc = 2, save = TRUE)
#> Outputs are saved to "/Users/mac/Desktop/gamar/docs/reference" by default.
#> Outputs are saved in " /Users/mac/Desktop/gamar/docs/reference/sir ".
#> Running experiment plan...